Associate Degree of Applied Business in Legal Assistant
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To introduce the student to the law and legal procedures in rendering direct assistance to lawyers engaged in legal research.
To arm the student with analytical and technical skills necessary to design, develop or plan modifications or new procedures, techniques, services, process or application in the field of law.
To provide students with the practical ‘hands-on” opportunity to prepare or interpret legal documents and write detailed procedures for practicing in certain fields of law and general business environments.
To enable the student to understand how to select, compile, and use technical information from such references as digests, encyclopedia, or practice manuals.
To train the student to analyze and follow procedural problems that involve independent decisions.
To teach the communication skills for effective interaction with other members of the legal business community.
To provide entry-level employment as Legal Assistants in these and other institutions: Banks: Trust Officer, Probate & Pension Specialist, Escrow Officer, Real Estate Mortgage Specialist, Collection Specialist; Corporations: Litigation Specialist, Corporation Paralegal/Legal Assistants, Industrial Relations, Labor Relations Specialist, Probate and/or Pension Specialist; Insurance: Claims Adjuster.
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To earn an Associate Degree of Applied Business in Legal Assistant, the following courses* are required:
- Real Estate Law **
- Litigation Management **
- Torts **
- Paralegalism & Ethics **
- Workers’ Compensation Law, Social Security, and Disability **
- Domestic Relations **
- Estates & Trusts **
- Basic Legal Research **
- Legal Research **
- Criminal Law & Procedure **
- Externship **
- Computer Fundamentals
- Intermediate Computer Applications
- Advanced Computer Applicaitons
- Legal Drafting & Computerized Applications
- Introduction to College English
- Introduction to College Math
- Written Communications
- College Algebra
- Earth Science
- Communication Skills
- American Government & Politics
- Sociology
**Core class for this Degree
† This course outline contains only the suggested sequences of course work.
Click to see the Courses Required
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Associate Degree of Applied Business in Legal Assistant
CIP Code – 22.0301
Credential Level 02
Occupation (SOC Codes) 23-2011.00 43-6012.00 23-2099.00
Credit Hours
Courses Required
† This course outline contains only the suggested sequences of course work.
Courses scheduled are dependent upon placement test results.
Course # | Course Description | Clock Hrs | Credit Hrs | |
1st Semester | ||||
MTH 095 | Introduction to College Math | 60 | 4.0 | |
WRC 095 | Introduction to College English | 60 | 4.0 | |
CPF 100 | Computer Fundamentals | 60 | 3.0 | |
INT 111 | Paralegalism & Ethics | 60 | 3.0 | |
COM 110 | Communication Skills | 45 | 3.0 | |
AGP 120 | American Government & Politics | 45 | 3.0 | |
Total | 210 | 12.0 | ||
2nd Semester | ||||
DOM 222 | Domestic Relations | 60 | 3.0 | |
MTH 110 | College Algebra | 45 | 3.0 | |
ICA 110 | Intermediate Computer Applications | 120 | 5.0 | |
WRC 110 | Written Communications | 45 | 3.0 | |
Total | 270 | 14.0 | ||
3rd Semester | ||||
CMP 223 | Criminal Law and Procedures | 60 | 3.0 | |
BLR 100 | Basic Legal Research | 30 | 2.0 | |
TRT 224 | Torts | 60 | 3.0 | |
ACA 131 | Advanced Computer Applications | 105 | 4.0 | |
Total | 225 | 12.0 | ||
4th Semester | ||||
RLE 125 | Real Estate Law | 60 | 3.0 | |
LIT 211 | Litigation Management | 60 | 3.0 | |
LGR 131 | Legal Research | 60 | 3.0 | |
SOC 110 | Sociology | 45 | 3.0 | |
Total | 225 | 12.0 | ||
5th Semester | ||||
EST 141 | Estates & Trusts | 60 | 3.0 | |
WCL 221 | Workers Compensation Law, Social Security, and Disability | 60 | 3.0 | |
ERS 110 | Earth Science | 45 | 4.0 | |
LDA 216 | Legal Drafting & Computerized Applications | 60 | 3.0 | |
CDE 095 | Career Development | 10 | 0 | |
Total | 225 | 12.0 | ||
ITS 252 | Externship | 150 | 3.0 |
† This course outline contains only the suggested sequences of course work.
Courses scheduled are dependent upon placement test results.
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ETI Technical College of Niles
2076 Youngstown-Warren Rd.
Niles, OH 44446
Phone: (330) 652-9919
Fax: (330) 652-4399
Email: info@eticollege.edu