Accountant Using E Invoice Software At Computer In Office

Online Associate Degree of Applied Business inBusiness with elective options inAccounting and Human Resources

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The Online Associate Degree in Business is designed to advance the student’s knowledge in today’s business office environment. Early in the program, the student’s course work includes subjects that are fundamental to the operation of an office, such as accounting, word processing, business math, and more. There are optional elective tracks for students to specialize in: Accounting and Human Resources.

The student is then given an in-depth study of highly technical software applications. The objective of the general education courses are to provide the student with the necessary critical thinking and communications skills needed to help the student become a more productive part of the work world. All curriculum is delivered in Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS). This program will take approximately 20 Months to complete.

This general education background combined with the technical course content encourages an atmosphere of professional growth and maintains the college’s philosophy of the “learn by doing” method of education.

The Associate Degree will arm the student with the credibility they need to succeed. It will provide the student with the competitive edge helping the student become employable with more opportunities for advancement. It will prepare the student for entry-level employment in these and other positions: Medical Secretaries, Accounting Clerks, Payroll Clerks, Accounts Payable and Receivable, and Administrative Assistants. Graduates secure employment in hospitals, schools, state agencies, industrial organizations, and insurance agencies.

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Optional Electives

The objective of the Business Degree with an elective in Accounting is to provide the student with a concentrated study in the areas of payroll tax, federal income tax, business and corporation tax, accounts receivable and payable, and bookkeeping. Because the basis of the elective consists of the Business Degree, the student will also be prepared to function efficiently in a business office environment. The student will be prepared for entry-level employment in these and other positions: Accounts Payable and Receivable Clerks, Payroll Clerks, Administrative Assistants, Business Office Managers, Accounting Department Clerk, Data Entry Clerk, and Bookkeeper. Graduates secure positions in hospitals, schools, state agencies, industrial organizations, insurance agencies, corporate offices, manufacturing offices, banks, accounting firms, and electronic billing companies.

The objective of the Business Degree with and elective in Human Resources is to provide the student with a concentrated study in the areas of employment law, equal employment opportunity, the relationship between management and labor, work place safety, labor relations and safety, management, principles, techniques, and concepts, organization, controlling agents, personnel administration, recruiting, hiring firing, performance evaluations, training, counseling, and handling grievances. Because the basis of the elective consists of the Business Degree, the student will also be prepared to function efficiently in a business office environment. The Business degree with an elective in Human Resources will provide the student with a competitive edge helping the student become employable with more opportunities for advancement, and it will prepare the student for entry-level employment in these, and other positions: Human Resources Generalist, Human Resources Managers, and Human Resources Recruiter. Graduates secure employment in hospitals, schools, state agencies, industrial organizations, staffing and temporary agencies, and human resources departments within all entities.

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To earn an Associate Degree of Applied Business with an elective in Accounting and Human Resources the following courses* are required:

The Associate Degree in Business is designed to advance the student’s knowledge in today’s business office environment. Early in the program, the student’s course work includes subjects that are fundamental to the operation of an office, such as accounting, word processing, business math, and more.

The student is then given an in-depth study of highly technical software applications. The objective of the general education courses are to provide the student with the necessary critical thinking and communications skills needed to help the student become a more productive part of the work world.

This general education background combined with the technical course content encourages an atmosphere of professional growth and maintains the college’s philosophy of the “learn by doing” method of education.

The Associate Degree will arm the student with the credibility they need to succeed. It will provide the student with the competitive edge helping the student become employable with more opportunities for advancement. It will prepare the student for entry-level employment in these and other positions: Medical Secretaries, Accounting Clerks, Payroll Clerks, Accounts Payable and Receivable, and Administrative Assistants. Graduates secure positions in hospitals, schools, state agencies, industrial organizations, insurance agencies, corporate offices, manufacturing offices, banks, accounting firms, and electronic billing companies.


Computer Fundamentals **
• Intermediate Computer Applications I **
• Advanced Computer Applications II **
• Career Development **
• Data Base (Access) **
• Spreadsheet (Excel) **
• Computerized Accounting I **
• Computerized Accounting II ** †
• Customer Service Techniques **
• Federal Income Tax**
• Managerial Accounting ** †
• Payroll and Business Tax ** †

• Externship **
• Accounting I **
• Accounting II **†
• Introduction to College English
• Introduction to College Math
• Written Communications
• College Algebra
• Communication Skills
• Earth Science
• American Government & Politics
• Sociology

Human Resources

Computer Fundamentals **
• Intermediate Computer Applications I **
• Advanced Computer Applications II **
• Administrative Management/Office Procedures**
• Payroll and Business Tax **
• Spreadsheet (Excel) **
• Computerized Accounting I **
• Social Media in the Workplace** †
• Customer Service Techniques **
• Employment Law and Relations & Safety ** †
• Human Resources Management ** †
•  Human Resources Principles ** †

• Accounting I † • Externship †
• Introduction to College English
• Introduction to College Math
• Written Communications
• College Algebra
• Communication Skills
• Earth Science
• American Government & Politics
• Sociology

*Does not indicate the order in which these courses will be offered.
**Core class for this Degree
† This course outline contains only the suggested sequences of course work. • Introductory classes are not calculated towards GPA and students who are required to take them only have one academic year of aid to do so.

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Associate Degree of Applied Business in Business with an Elective in Accounting


CIP Code – 52-0401

Credential Level

Occupation (SOC Codes)   43-1011.00  43-9061.00  11-3011.00





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Credit Hours

Courses Required

This course outline contains only the suggested sequences of course work.
Courses scheduled are dependent upon placement test results.

Course #Course DescriptionCredit Hrs

1st Semester

MTH 095Introduction to College Math4.0
WRC 095Introduction to College English4.0
CPF 100Computer Fundamentals3.0
AGP 120 American Government & Politics 3.0
SOC 110 Sociology3.0
WRC 110 Written Communications 3.0

2nd Semester

ICA 110Intermediate Computer Applications 5.0
ACT 120Accounting I 4.0
MTH 110College Algebra 3.0

3rd Semester

ACA 131 Advanced Computer Applications 4.0
DTB 200 Data Base (Access) 4.0
CTA 110 Computerized Accounting I (Quickbooks)3.0

4th Semester

SPD 200 Spreadsheet (Excel) 4.0
CTA 200 Computerized Accounting II (Peachtree) 3.0
ERS 110 Earth Science 3.0
COM 110 Communication Skills 3.0

5th Semester

CST 100Customer Service Techniques 3.0
KEY 221 Advanced Keyboarding Skills 3.0
PBT 100 Payroll and Business Tax 3.0
SMW 100 Social Media in the Workplace 3.0
AOP 210 Administrative Management/Office Procedures 3.0
CDE 095 Career Development 0
EXT 240Externship2.0


CTA 200 Computerized Accounting II (Peachtree)** 3.0
PBT 100 Payroll and Business Tax** 3.0
FIT 100 Federal Income Tax** 3.0
MAC 210 Managerial Accounting** 3.0
ACT 210 Accounting II** 3.0

This course outline contains only the suggested sequences of course work.
Courses scheduled are dependent upon placement test results.

Contact us today for more information!

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    Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools

    ETI Technical College of Niles

    2076 Youngstown-Warren Rd.
    Niles, OH 44446

    Phone: (330) 652-9919
    Fax: (330) 652-4399
